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ISSN: 2184-6170

Depósito legal: 462212/19

Para citar esta publicação: nome do(s) autor(es) (2022). Título do artigo. Ualgoritmo 4, número 2: pp. intervalo de páginas.

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Encouraging sustainable mobility in Lahti

Kestävän työmatkaliikkumisen edistäminen Lahdessa

Área científica/Scientific area: Mobilidade sustentável/Sustainable mobility


Resumo/Summary: Developing sustainable mobility play a central role in reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Sustainable mobility means replacing transport in private cars by more sustainable ways of mobility, such as, walking, biking, and public transport. This article studies how different sustainable mobility initiatives provided by the Wellbeing services county of Päijät-Häme, Finland, were adopted by employees. The case study was implemented between May-October 2022. The mobility pilots offered for commuting were fringe benefits from employment, that is, employer-subsidized commuter tickets and employer-provided bicycle benefits. For trips made during the working day, the options were a city e-bike and an e-scooter. The research data consisted of short surveys before and at the end of the pilots, and thematic interviews during the implementation period. Results show that the pilots were successful in introducing more sustainable ways of mobility.

Tiivistelmä: Kestävän liikkumisen edistäminen on keskeistä kasvihuonekaasupäästöjen vähentämisessä. Kestävällä liikkumisella tarkoitetaan henkilöautoliikenteen korvaamista kestävämmillä liikkumistavoilla, kuten kävelyllä, pyöräilyllä ja joukkoliikenteellä. Tutkimuksessa selvitetään, kuinka Päijät-Hämeen hyvinvointialueen työntekijät ottivat käyttöön työnantajan tarjoamia kestävän liikkumisen muotoja. Tutkimus toteutettiin touko-lokakuussa 2022. Työmatkojen kulkemiseen tarjotut liikkumismuodot olivat työsuhdematkalippu ja työsuhdepolkupyörä, ja työpäivän aikana toteutettavilla matkoilla vaihtoehtoina olivat kaupunkisähköpyörä ja sähköpotkulauta. Tutkimusaineisto koostui kyselyistä ennen kokeilujaksoa ja sen lopussa sekä haastatteluista kokeilujakson aikana. Tulokset osoittavat, että kokeilut kannustivat työntekijöitä siirtymään kestävämpään työmatkaliikkumiseen.

Autor/Author: Susanna Vanhamäki

Revisão feita por/Revised by: Student groups from Social studies YH03.1 and YH03.2 at the Lahti Lyseo high school, Finland, under the supervision of Merja Kukkola and Elina Hölttä.

The utilization of smart robots in creating value from waste

Área científica/Scientific area: Reciclagem de resíduos, ZenRoboticsl/Waste recycling, ZenRobotics


Resumo/Summary: Recycling and reusing materials are the processes for waste collection and management to increase sustainability and environmental benefits. Digital technologies can be used in these processes to enable higher efficiency in separating materials. In this way, wastes can be considered as valuable material. On the other hand, new regulations have been created in waste management and sorting that force companies to think of solutions that enhance the quality of sorted waste and improves the working conditions. For this reason, the term Circular Economy (CE) has been introduced as a solution for retaining values of the products and materials as high as possible for a longer period of time. Making CE more common needs innovative solutions that can be enabled by digital technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI). In this article, we discuss how ZenRobotics use AI-powered robots in municipal waste management.

Tiivistelmä: Kierrätys ja materiaalien uusiokäyttö ovat jätteiden keräämisen ja käsittelyn prosesseja, joilla lisätään kestävää kehitystä ja ympäristöhyötyjä. Näissä prosesseissa voidaan käyttää digitaalista teknologiaa, jotta materiaalien erotteluun saadaan tehokkuutta. Tällä tavalla jäte tulee huomioitua arvokkaana materiaalina. Toisaalta jätehuoltoon ja -lajitteluun on tullut uusiä säätelyjä, joka pakottaa yrityksiä miettimään ratkaisuja parantaakseen lajitellun jätteen laatua sekä työolosuhteita. Näistä syistä termi kiertotalous on tuotu esiin ratkaisuna materiaalin mahdollisimman korkean arvon säilyttämiseksi, niin pitkään kuin mahdollista. Kiertotalouden edistämiseksi tarvitaan innovatiivisia digitaalisen teknologian ratkaisuja, kuten tekoäly. Tässä artikkelissa tuodaan esiin, miten yritys ZenRobotics käyttää tekoälyrobotteja kunnallisessa jätehuollossa.

Autor/Author: Malahat Ghoreishi

Revisão feita por/Revised by: Emma Pynnönen, second-year student of textile and fashion at Salpaus Further Education at Lahti, Finland.

Cultural influences on future transportation technology usage: The role of personal innovativeness, technology anxiety and desire

Área científica/Scientific area: Marketing

Resumo/Summary: Considering the heavy traffic and congestion in our cities nowadays, the transport and aviation industries to be precise, taking advantage of emerging digital technologies, have manufactured on-demand air mobility (ODAM) or flying taxis. ODAM is likely to be launched and become fully operational by 2030, but its acceptability by the general public remains to be determined. Therefore, our research, aims to explore cultural and psychological factors that may affect the adoption of ODAM. The findings would help manufacturers of this innovation to be aware of and resolve these factors before the launch. The study found that cultural factors such as tradition positively influence individual technology anxiety and desire to use ODAM. Second, the study also indicates that individual cultural values of Independence positively affect their innovativeness rather than their desire to use ODAM. Another important finding from the study is that there are group differences in the influence of uncertainty intolerance on technology anxiety, desire, and personal innovativeness toward future use of ODAM. Overall, the study suggests that individual cultural values play an important role in influencing the future use of ODAM through psychological characteristics. Our findings provide business leaders, transport, and aviation manufacturers with relevant information on the ODAM acceptability picture in the future. Specifically, our study informs these leaders of the need to provide massive marketing communication and education about ODAM, wherein consumers' concerns relating to cultural values and psychological characteristics such as technology anxiety will be significantly addressed. A well-thought-out integrated marketing communications strategy using our study findings will help consumers’ to be confident towards ODAM use in the near future.

Autores/Authors: Michael Adu Kwarteng, Alex Ntsiful

Revisão feita por/Revised by: 3rd year students at School of International and Public Relations, Prague, Czech Republic, under the supervision of Mgr. Lenka Cartiová and with the support of the school director, Mgr. Vladimíra Michalíková.

Currency competition: currency internationalization potential assessment using fuzzy logic approach

Área científica/Scientific area: International Economics

Resumo/Summary: Frequently noted inadequately explored connections between currency internationalization and the expected change in the polarity of the international monetary system in the international relations literature are driving increased interest and discussion, prompting further studies in this field. This paper examines the potential of competing currencies to internationalize. For the first time, we utilize a fuzzy logic-based multi-dimensional model assessing the internationalization potential of 14 competing currencies separately in 2020 to predict whether the international monetary system is likely to remain unipolar and U.S. dollar-based or evolve into a multipolar international monetary arena. The results suggest comparable levels of currency internationalization exist, indicating that the international monetary system may be further shaped into a more competitive (multipolar) monetary environment. The robustness of the results is attributed to the control of economic, convertibility, monetary stability, political and legal factors. Finally, our results have policy implications since determined currency internationalization potential levels may facilitate economists and policymakers better understanding of which currencies may play an increasingly large role in becoming a dominant international currency in the international monetary system.

Autores/Authors: Jana Přílučíková, Vojtěch Sadil

Revisão feita por/Revised by: 4th year students at the School of International and Public Relations, Prague, Czech Republic, under the supervision of Mgr. Lenka Cartiová and with the support of the school director, Mgr. Vladimíra Michalíková.

Un método sostenible para producir un lubricante ecológico a base de nanocelulosa y aceite vegetal

Área científica/Temática: Sostenibilidad, producción limpia, lubricantes ecológicos

Resumen: En la actualidad existen muchos hábitats del planeta que están sufriendo diferentes amenazas que podrían provocar su desaparición. Un ejemplo lo encontramos en el acantilado del Asperillo localizado entre Mazagón y Matalascañas en Huelva (España), un lugar costero con características geomorfológicas y ecológicas únicas, como son barrancos atlánticos y rezumes del freático, que acoge una flora singular adaptada a estas características. Este estudio se ha centrado en la bardaguera o sarga negra (Salix atrocinerea), un sauce que poseía amplias poblaciones en la zona, pero las presiones ambientales y humanas, han generado una gran amenaza que podría provocar su desaparición. El hábitat de Interés comunitario (HIC) de la bardaguera en esta zona, anteriormente asociado al grupo 9, ha sido propuesto al grupo 2 y al código 2180, más coherente con su hábitat y exclusividad. En el estudio se han localizado todas las presencias de dicho HIC, así como de cualquier otra especie que pudiera estar ocupando su espacio como las especies exóticas invasoras. La intención es evaluarlo y poder elaborar una propuesta de restauración ambiental. Los primeros resultados indican que actualmente la bardaguera ocupa el 7 % de la superficie en comparación con el área potencial del hábitat, por lo que la perdida es mayor de la esperada.

Autores/Authors: C Roman, M García-Pérez, SD Fernández-Silva, M García-Morales, MA Delgado

Revisão feita por/Revisión por: Juan Carlos Perdigones Herves, Samuel González Marín, Paula Martín Bada, Salima Enfeddal Zizime, Narcis Nicusor Ureche, Helena Murillo Parejo, Candela Esparza Tinoco, Saúl Rivera García, Ana Pérez García, Escuela IES SAN SEBASTIAN, Huelva, España, coordinados por la Professora Profesora Laura Fernández Pineda.

Evaluación de la presencia del Hábitat de Interés Comunitario 2180: la última oportunidad para una formación única en Europa

Área científica/Temática: Hábitat de interés comunitario

Resumo: O trauma resultante do maltrato na infância pode ter impacto negativo e comprometer o desenvolvimento da criança, devendo ser entendido como um problema de saúde pública. Considerando as consequências na saúde mental da criança e o impacto na idade adulta, o Child Trauma Screen (CTS) vem preencher uma lacuna na obtenção rápida de dados relevantes sobre o trauma na adolescência. A escala demonstrou adequadas propriedades psicométricas, justificando a sua utilização em adolescentes portugueses.

Autores/Authors: J Matías Chaparro, Pablo J Hidalgo, Jose A Adame, Cristina Pérez-Carral, Nuria Montiel, Irene Herrera

Revisão feita por/Revisión por: SalimaEnfeddal Zizime, Esparza Tinoco, Candela Gómez Jaldón, Carla González Marín, Samuel Martín Bada, Paula Murillo Parejo, Helena Ureche Narcis Nicusor, Escuela IES SAN SEBASTIAN, Huelva, España, coordinados por la Profesora María del Pilar Carmona Zalvide.

The sustainable use of waste resulting from the trimming of Thuja hedges

Área científica/Scientific area: Antimicrobial activity, recycling, sustainability

Resumo/Summary:  The objective of this research was to determine antimicrobial activity against Gram-positive bacteria represented by the following reference strains: Streptococcus pyogenes (ATCC 19615), Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC 25923), Listeria monocytogenes (ATCC 19114), Bacillus cereus (ATCC 10876), and Clostridium perfringens (ATCC 13124) of three extracts of Thuja occidentalis smaragd, Thuja occidentalis golden smaragd, and Thuja occidentalis fastigiata. The plant material used was obtained through the pruning of live fences. The method of microdilution in a culture medium, which is one of the simplest methods, was used for testing antimicrobial sensitivity. Following our research, we can conclude that the extracts inhibit Gram-positive bacteria, especially at the first concentration tested. The demonstrated effect of Thuja occidentalis golden smaragd recommends it as a possible candidate for natural products with antimicrobial activity. Our discoveries might pave the way for utilising Thuja occidentalis golden smaragd blends in diverse applications, including developing dermatological treatments for bacterial infections and the food industry.

Autores/Authors: Doris Floares, Diana Obistioiu, Anca Hulea, Isidora Radulov

Revisão feita por/Revised by: 4th year students at Technological High School of Construction and Environmental Protection, Arad, Romania, under the supervision of Professor Audi Florentina.

Comparison study about the resistance of wheat germs exposed at controlled hydric stress

Área científica/Scientific area: Crop Science

Resumo/Summary: Knowing the importance of wheat culture both nationally and internationally, we decided to start a study which demonstrate the resistance of wheat germs to water stress. Water is one of the most essential elements for the development of plants, it has the role of helping the plants to assimilate more easily the nutrients from the soil, necessary for the vegetation period. The premise of this experiment is based on meteorological data recorded in recent years, from which resulted that, from year to year, wheat crops are faced with a permanent water stress due to the lack of precipitation, snow, and improperly executed soil works. Thus, the amount of water in the soil at the time of sowing and also during development is very small, which leads to a delay or poor development of wheat germs, something that will make it difficult for the plants to withstand winter hardening.

Autores/Authors: Raul Cristian Jurcuț, Florin Imbrea, Lucian Botoș, Stefan Bătrîna

Revisão feita por/Revised by: Students at the Technological High School of Construction and Environmental Protection, Arad, Romania, under the supervision of Professor Audi Florentina.

Sustainability through rural tourism in moieciu area-development analysis and future proposals

Área científica/Scientific area: Sustainable tourism

Resumo/SummaryThis paper discusses the increasing consumer interest in natural, local, and organic products, and how rural tourism can be a sustainable response to this trend, focusing on the Moieciu area as a case study. The main objective is to analyze the development of rural tourism in Moieciu from the perspective of tourists, using questionnaires as the primary research tool. The study aims to identify why Moieciu is suitable for sustainable tourism development.

Autores/Authors: Gabriela Popescu, Cosmin Alin Popescu, Tiberiu Iancu, Ioan Brad, Elena Pet, Tabita Adamov, Ramona Ciolac, Alexandra Ibric

Revisão feita por/Revised by: Students at the Technological High School of Construction and Environmental Protection, Arad, Romania, under the supervision of Professor Audi Florentina.

Impact of climate change on freshwater resources and agriculture

Área científica/Scientific area: Climate change, freshwater resources, agricultural practices

Resumo/Summary: To explore the repercussions of climate change on freshwater resources and agricultural practices. Climate change is directly affecting the global water cycle, leading to shifts in freshwater distribution, quantity, and timing. These changes have significant implications, including increased flooding, expanding arid regions, and threats to food security, industry, and water supply. Temperature and CO2 concentration are identified as primary factors influencing crop growth and yields. Efficient water resource management, optimized sowing periods, and low-energy irrigation practices are crucial for addressing climate-induced challenges in agriculture. Irreversible effects of climate change, especially in terms of water factors, underscore the need for timely action.

Autores/Authors: Ștefana Baicu (Zoican), Laura Șmuleac, Raul Pașcalău

Revisão feita por/Revised by: 4th year students the Technological High School of Construction and Environmental Protection, Arad, Romania, under the supervision of Professor Audi Florentina.

Exploring Sustainable Development in the Blue Economy: concepts, challenges, and solutions (exploratory literature review)

Área científica/Scientific area: Sustainable Development, Blue Economy

Resumo/Summary: This paper reviews the concepts and challenges of sustainable development in marine and coastal areas, focusing on Blue Economy and Sustainability. It emphasizes the importance of long-term resource use, biodiversity conservation, and environmentally friendly economic activities. The review identifies a need for integration, standardized indicators, and measurement frameworks in this field. The discoveries improve Blue Growth Sustainability, guiding future research and practical applications for marine and coastal development.

Autores/Authors: Jennifer Nicole Elston

Revisão feita por/Revised by: Beatriz Andrade, Lara Carvalho e Maria Catarina Jacinto at the Agrupamento de escolas Pinheiro e Rosa, Faro, Portugal, sob a orientação da revisão foi feita pelas Professoras Magda Dias e Maria Rita Silva.

O peixinho que escala cascatas em São Tomé e Príncipe: importância, habitat e alimentação

Área científica/Scientific area: Ciências do Ambiente/Environmental Sciences


Resumo: Os rios da ilha de São Tomé são colonizados pelo peixinho, espécie endémica com um ciclo de vida anfídromo, ou seja, a vida adulta é feita nos rios, onde depositam ovos. Quando estes eclodem as larvas migram para o oceano com o fluxo do rio, onde vão permanecer alguns meses até se transformarem em pós-larvas de modo a migrarem de volta para os rios, muitos destes com cascatas. As migrações das pós-larvas sustentam importantes pescarias locais, onde são capturadas sem qualquer controlo. Dentro dos estômagos das pós-larvas do peixinho é possível observar-se matéria vegetal, zooplâncton e microplásticos. Tem uma estratégia alimentar especializada, sendo considerado como consumidor secundário e omnívoro. Sendo este um recurso muito consumido localmente há várias décadas, as comunidades têm vindo a reportar a sua diminuição ao longo dos anos, sendo urgente aumentar o conhecimento sobre a sua biologia, ecologia e pescas, bem como desenvolver medidas de gestão e conservação adequadas.

SummaryThe rivers of São Tomé Island are colonized by the little fish, endemic species with an amphidromous life cycle. The adults live upstream in the rivers, the larvae hatch and migrate to the ocean with the river flow, where they will remain for a few months until they transform into post-larvae and migrate back to the rivers, several of them with waterfalls. The return migrations of post-larvae support important local fisheries, where they are caught without any control. Inside fish post-larvae stomachs, it is possible to observe vegetable matter, zooplankton and microplastics. They have a specialist food strategy and are considered a secondary consumer and omnivorous. Since this resource is highly consumed locally for decades, the communities have been reporting its decline over the years, making it urgent to increase knowledge about its biology, ecology, and fisheries, and to develop appropriate management and conservation measures.

Autores/Authors: Vânia Baptista, Joana Cruz, Hugulay Maia, Alexandra Teodósio

Revisão feita por: Guilherme Freitas, Inês Apolónia, Inês Gonçalves, Inês Martins, José Mota e Leonor Barreto, com a orientação das Professora Helena Villa de Brito e Maria Drago, no Colégio Internacional de Vilamoura, Portugal.

Poderá o CO2 atmosférico funcionar como agente neutralizante no tratamento de águas residuais?

Área científica/Scientific area: Físico-química/Physicochemistry


Resumo: Alguns tratamentos de águas residuais alteram o pH da água, tornando-o elevado (>10), por exemplo, o tratamento por precipitação química com cal hidratada. Estas águas residuais, além de serem inadequadas para alguns dos processos de tratamento seguintes numa estação de tratamento de águas residuais, são instáveis e propícias a precipitar carbonato de cálcio, CaCO3 (vulgarmente conhecido por calcário) nas condutas de distribuição. Assim, a redução do pH torna-se importante. Esta redução pode ser feita com ácidos (e.g. H2SO4 ou HCl) ou com injeção de CO2). O uso dos ácidos, comparativamente à injeção de CO2, apresenta algumas desvantagens, como a corrosão dos equipamentos e o elevado custo económico. Por outro lado, o transporte/armazenamento de CO2 para o local de tratamento também representa um custo para a empresa. O sequestro de CO2 atmosférico surge como uma solução mais ecológica e economicamente sustentável na redução do pH, além de contribuir simultaneamente para a mitigação de gases de efeito estufa. Neste trabalho, serão conhecidos os mecanismos de sequestro de CO2 atmosférico bem como a sua aplicação a um caso de estudo.

SummarySome wastewater treatments generate wastewater with high pH (>10), for example chemical precipitation with hydrated lime treatment. These wastewaters are unsuitable for some sequence treatment processes within a wastewater treatment plant, are unstable and prone to calcium carbonate, CaCO3 (widely known as limestone) precipitation in the distribution pipelines. Thus, lowering the pH becomes important. This reduction can be done with acids (e.g. H2SO4 or HCl) or with CO2 injection. The use of acids compared to CO2 injection has some disadvantages, such as equipment corrosion and high economic cost. On the other hand, the transport/storage of CO2 to the treatment site also represents a cost for the company. Atmospheric CO2 sequestration emerges as a more ecologically and economically sustainable solution to reduce pH, and simultaneously contributes to the mitigation of greenhouse gases. In this work, the mechanisms of atmospheric CO2 sequestration will be known as well as its application to a case study.

Autores/Authors: Luís Madeira, Margarida Ribau Teixeira, Adelaide Almeida, Fátima Carvalho

Revisão feita por: Estudantes do Agrupamento de Escolas José Belchior Viegas, São Brás de Alportel, Portugal, com a coordenação Professora Sónia Figueiredo, Professora de Química.


As plantas no tratamento de águas residuais

Área científica/Scientific area: Ciência sustentável e Ciência do ambiente/Sustainable sciences and environmental sciences


Resumo: A utilização de plantas no tratamento de águas residuais tem ganho notoriedade nos últimos anos dada a capacidade de algumas plantas resistirem a condições climáticas extremas e proporcionarem, juntamente com os microrganismos, condições adequadas para degradar e absorver alguns poluentes. Nesse sentido, vários estudos têm sido realizados para aplicação desta técnica no tratamento de águas residuais com diferentes características físico-químicas. O presente trabalho pretende dar a conhecer a eficácia das zonas húmidas construídas, onde se plantaram Vetiveria zizanioides, visando a remoção do azoto presente em águas residuais industriais.

SummaryThe use of plants in wastewater treatment has increased in recent years because of the ability of some plants to resist extreme climatic and soil conditions and provide, together with microorganisms, adequate conditions to degrade and absorb some pollutants. In this sense, several studies have been carried out to apply this technique in the treatment of wastewater with different physical-chemical characteristics. The present work aims to show the effectiveness of constructed wetlands planted with Vetiveria zizanioides to remove nitrogen from industrial wastewater.

Autores/Authors: Luís Madeira, Fátima Carvalho, Adelaide Almeida, Margarida Ribau Teixeira

Revisão feita por: Guilherme Freitas, Inês Apolónia, Inês Gonçalves, Inês Martins, José Mota e Leonor Barreto, com a orientação das Professora Helena Villa de Brito e Maria Drago, no Colégio Internacional de Vilamoura, Portugal.

Sarita Camacho

José Bragança

Associate Professor with Habilitation in Biomedical Sciences at the University of Algarve.


José Bragança

Associate Professor with Habilitation in Biomedical Sciences at the University of Algarve, Researcher at the Algarve Biomedical Center Research Institute (ABC-RI), member of the Executive Committee of the Centro Académico do Algarve (ABC, Algarve Biomedical Centre), and Director of the Master's in Biomedical Sciences - Disease Mechanisms from the University of Algarve.


Saúl Neves de Jesus

Full Professor of Psychology at the Faculty of Human and Social Sciences at the University of Algarve (UAlg), Director of the PhD program in Psychology at UAlg and Coordinator of the National Psychology Forum.

Álvaro Tavares

Associate Professor at the University of Algarve, Researcher at the University of Algarve, and Director of the Master's Degree in Oncobiology and Molecular Mechanisms of Cancer at the University of Algarve.


Maria Alexandra Anica Teodósio

Vice-Rector of the University of Algarve

Eduardo Esteves

Vice-Rector of the University of Algarve

Manuel Célio Conceição

Professor Associado da Faculdade de Ciências Humanas e Sociais da Universidade do Algarve

André Botelheiro

Coordinator of the Communication and Protocol Office at the University of Algarve

Cristina Veiga Pires

Executive director of the Centro Ciência Viva do Algarve

Laura Alves

Press Officer at the University of Algarve

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Universidade do Algarve

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